Illustrator and Concept Artist from Southern Arkansas.

Hello! I'm Forest, an artist from Southern Arkansas who always aims to push myself out of my comfort zone by learning new crafts and whatever new thing I can! I always aim to have fun with my art while still trying to tell a story or create an interesting character or product for others to enjoy.

I grew up in the times and trends of the early 2000s as a queer kid who was not familiar with what LGBTQIA was. This sadly, left me to feel somewhat 'othered’ as I didn’t understand the social norms of the time. This, paired with an unfortunate time with bullying in school, along with being raised with Disney films and animation, left me absolutely fixated on art and drawing, creating fantastical worlds that I could understand and escape to in my mind. This experience growing up led to me focusing on the happy things in life, trying to find and capture the things that brought joy in the subjects I capture.

In 2020, I also learned how to sew. I began to use this as an extension of my art and skills, as a result I now sell my creations from stickers to art to dolls, and I take commissions for custom humanoid dolls.